
International Advocacy Toolkit
Organizing Questions
  1. Which organization(s) are significant sources of research funding? 
  2. What does the normal science funding/policy decision-making process look like?
  3. Which patient advocacy groups, if any, are active in the area?
  4. Are there existing national/regional organizations that work towards improving research funding/policy?
  5. How do scientists currently contribute to the existing funding/policy-making/advocacy process, if at all? 
  6. When are science funding/policy decisions made? 
  7. What kinds of opportunities exist for scientists to interact with funders and policymakers?

1. Which organization(s) are significant sources of research funding? 

National government.

 2. What does the normal science funding/policy decision-making process look like?
  • Which group/committee/person within the funding/policy organization makes the decisions?

Peer review and committee evaluation.

  • What are the criteria the funding/policy organization/s use to make their decisions?

Innovation and feasibility

3. Which patient advocacy groups, if any, are active in the area?

There are no significant patient advocacy groups. 

4. Are there existing national/regional organizations that work towards improving research funding/policy?

China Association for Science and Technology and its branches.

5. How do scientists currently contribute to the existing funding/policy-making/advocacy process, if at all? 

Advisory committees and at public summons.

6. When are science funding/policy decisions made? 

Annually on a set schedule.

7. What kinds of opportunities exist for scientists to interact with funders and policymakers?

Being on Advisory committees.

  • Can scientists invite decision makers to their lab/institution to see their work firsthand?


  • Do the funding/policy organizations hold open meetings or solicit comments from the public that researchers can participate in?



YAO Ke, MD (Eye Institute of Zhejiang University)